Bodyguard Training


In the Bodyguard series, Connor encounters many dangerous situations. These videos show some worst case scenarios and what you can do should you encounter them.

“Stay Safe!”

– Chris

Watch the videos

How to escape zip ties:

In AMBUSH Connor is restrained with zip-ties. Learn how he manages to escape his bonds, courtesy of ITS Tactical.


What to do if pirates attack you:

In RANSOM merciless pirates try to hijack a boat. Would you know what to do if pirates attacked you?
Here’s your chance to learn how to Detect, Deter, Destroy…


How to escape a burning vehicle:

At the beginning of Bodyguard: Hostage Connor’s dad has to escape a vehicle with his VIP. Here are some tips on how to get out of a burning vehicle – fast!


Disengagement techniques:

What to do if someone grabs hold of you or your VIP? Here’s a short video showing ‘disengagement’ techniques.


Behind the scenes with Chris Bradford:

A ‘behind the scenes’ look at author Chris Bradford as he embarks on a photo shoot in a disused cement works in Sussex with experimental photographer, Danny Fitzpatrick, for Bodyguard.


US Secret Service Training:

This video shows the US Secret Service in training. Agents and instructors explain the demands of the job. Being a Close Protection Officer, Bodyguard or Secret Service Agent is a tough job!


How to escape from a chase:

What would you do if you were being chased? Would you know the best way to escape? As a bodyguard, when you’re with your VIP you need to make sure you know the fastest route out of any dangerous situation. This video shows how knowledge really can out-run ability.

Find out more about the Author in training.


Chris Bradford is a true believer in ‘practising what you preach’. For his award-winning Young Samurai series, he trained in samurai swordmanship, karate, ninjutsu and earned his black belt in Zen Kyu Shin Taijutsu.

Find out more here.

NEW IDEA ALERT! Excited to hand my finished proposal to my agent for a brand new book series. It’s still TOP SECRET and promises a thrilling hybrid novel (story and graphic novel) with a great twist in the tale! Watch this space for further updates👁…

About a year ago from Chris Bradford's Twitter via Twitter Web App